2013 香港龍獅節
2013香港龍獅節 金鼓齊鳴鬧香江,瑞獸齊集賀新歲。2013香港龍獅節,準備了精彩的節目,與你熱熱鬧鬧過元旦。齊集金龍、南獅、北獅、麒麟、貔貅,讓你一次過欣賞五大中國傳統瑞獸表演,超過800隻瑞獸參加的龍獅巡遊,讓2013新年更添喜氣吉祥。 大家更可一同見證健力士紀錄的誕生——最大型的麒麟表演。還有高竹舞獅表演,高超的技藝,精彩的表演,一定令你大飽眼福。光看覺得不夠過癮的,還可以親嘗舞獅的樂趣,跟師傅學幾手真功夫。總之,看不完,玩不夠,精彩節目盡在2013香港龍獅節。 日期:2013年1月1日(星期二) 時間:下午2時至4時半 地點:廣東道(啟動禮)——香港文化中心——星光大道——市政局百週年紀念花園
Dragon and Lion Dance Extravaganza 2013 Over 800 auspicious animals will take part in the Dragon and Lion Dance Extravaganza 2013, promising you an unforgettable and world-record breaking festivity, which will fully showcase the traditional culture and festive ambience of Hong Kong. Audience will have the rare opportunity to watch parade and dances of five different traditional celestial guardians, including Golden Dragon, Southern Lion, Northern Lion, Chinese Unicorn and Pixiu. The center of attention for the festivity will be the setting-up of another Guinness World Records – the Largest Chinese Unicorn Dance. Watch lions simultaneously dancing on bamboo poles and performing some highly difficult movements. And in addition to the animal dances, there will be workshops where interested participants can learn basics of lion dance. All in all, we have prepared a plethora of activities for your enjoyment. Come join the festivity and let the auspicious animals amaze you with their daring acrobatic feats while bringing well wishes and good fortune to you all.
Date: 1 January 2013, Tuesday Time: 2pm ~ 4:30pm Venue: Canton Road (Kick-off Ceremony) – Hong Kong Cultural Centre – Venue of Stars – Centenary Garden